The Real History of Socialism

(Also see the Socialist Documents server on discord)

communist poster

General histories:
Short History of the USSR by A. V. Shestakov (ed.)
A History of the USSR
by A. M. Pankratova (ed.) (part 1), (part 2), (part 3)
The History of the civil war in the USSR (vol. 1) (vol. 2)
The History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks) – Short Course [text] [Audiobook part 1 & part 2]

Russian Civil War:
M. Panferov, The intervention in Siberia 1918-1922
The History of the civil war in the USSR (vol. 1) (vol. 2)

Early history of the USSR. Lenin-era:
Jacques Sadoul, The Socialist Soviet Republic of Russia; Its Rise and Organisation
M. Philips Price, The origin and growth of the Russian Soviets [sympathetic but non-communist writer]
M. Philips Price, The old order in Europe and the new order in Russia
John Rickman, An Eye-Wittness From Russia (1919) [sympathetic but non-communist writer]
M. Litvinov, The Bolshevik revolution: its rise and meaning (1919)
Robert Williams, The soviet system at work (1920)
Sidney Arnold (ed.), New Russia : Anniversary Bulletin of the Bolshevik Revolution November 1917-1918
William Thomas Goode, Bolshevism at work (1920)
Isaac McBride, “Barbarous Soviet Russia” (1920)
George Lansbury, What I saw in Russia (1920)
William Hard, Raymond Robins’ own story (1920) [one of the best books on the topic]
A. R. Williams, Through the Russian revolution (1921) [one of the best books on the topic]
M. Philips Price, My reminiscences of the Russian revolution (1921)
H. N. Brailsford, How The Soviets Work (1927)
I. Mints, October 1917 In Russia (1940)

The Stalin-Era:
S. & B. Webb, Soviet Communism: A New Civilisation
Did Communism Really Kill “100 Million People”? by Maoism for the masses
Another View of Stalin by Ludo Martens [Note: this book is very good in terms of history, but Martens’ theoretical critique of Stalin is baseless. See e.g. Concerning certain distortions of Stalin’s work and L. Martens’ revisionist view of socialism]
Khrushchev Lied by Grover Furr
“The Real Stalin” series by Dennis McKinsey
“Lies Concerning the History of the Soviet Union” by Mario Sousa
“The Soviet_Story” debunked by Aleksandr Dyukov
“Stalin’s Four Attempts at Resignation”
The Pattern Of Soviet Power by Edgar Snow [Note: the author is bourgeois and thus gets some things wrong. Still not bad]
Peoples On Our Side by Edgar Snow
“I Saw Russia. Socialism in the Makings” by Meta Berger (1936)
The Purges and Repressions in the USSR by Tovarisch Endymion
Black Book of Communism Debunked by Jason Unruhe
Most balanced Documentary about Communism
Historical Footage of Stalin and Lenin 
Soviet Women Remember Socialism
Soviet Worker and Soviet Musician Look Back
Soviet City And Its People by Joseph Garelik (1950)

The Great Patriotic War:
The Red Army by Isaac Mints (1943)
World War II: Myths and the Realities by Oleg Rzheshevsky [Useful book, but makes some brezhnevite comments especially in the “Conclusion” chapter]
Liberation Mission of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Second World War by A. A. Grechko [Pretty good book, if you ignore the various anachronistic revisionist statements: stupid criticisms of Mao and Hoxha, defending revisionists Husak, Kadar etc.]
On the losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]
About the losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. Part 2. Answers to readers’ responses.

The lie that Stalin became apathetic when Hitler invaded:
“The Lie About Stalin: 22nd June 1941” by V. M. Zhukhrai

Lies about Stalin and his son:
“Enough of the lies against Comrade Stalin and against the USSR; Yakov Dzhugashvili, the son of Joseph Stalin” [in Italian but you can read with auto-translate]

Anarchism in Russia:
“Outright Russian anarchists were not numerous during the October revolution” by Louise Dellavalle [in Italian, but you can read it with auto-translate]

Moscow Trials:
The Great Conspiracy: The Secret War Against Soviet Russia by Sayers & Kahn
Evidence of Leon Trotsky’s Collaboration with Germany and Japan by Grover Furr
Trotsky’s Support for Fascism
An Eye Witness at the Wreckers Trial by Sam Darcy (pdf) (backup)
The Ryutin Case
The Moscow Trials (Part 1: the investigation)
The Moscow Trials (Part 2: Court Proceedings)
The Moscow Trials (Part 3: the Great Purge)
Analyzing the Moscow Trials
Moscow Trials 1936–1938 Exposing the bourgeois lie [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]
“Materials on the Question of the Murder of S.M. Kirov by P. N. Pospelov” with useful commentary of V. Singh
“The death of an international spy” (Trotsky) (Pravda editorial August 24, 1940) [in Spanish but you can read with auto-translate]
“The myth of the “Stalinist torture” [in Italian but you can read with auto-translate]

The Moscow Trials (Part 1: the investigation) by theFinnishBolshevik
The Moscow Trials (Part 2: Court Proceedings) by theFinnishBolshevik
The Moscow Trials (Part 3: the Great Purge) by theFinnishBolshevik
Analyzing the Moscow Trials by FinnishBolshevik

Trial transcripts:
The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre (“Zinoviev-Kamenev trial”)
Report of court proceedings in the case of the anti-Soviet Trotskyite centre (“Radek-Pyatakov trial”)
Report Of Court Proceedings In The Case Of The Anti Soviet Bloc Of Rights And Trotskyites (“Bukharin-Rykov trial”)
Nikolai Bukharin on the Use of Individual Terror Against Stalin

About Trotsky’s collaboration with American secret services:
Trotsky in Mexico: Toward a History of His Informal Contacts with the U.S. Government, 1937-1940, William Chase
“Trotsky and Rivera were informants of the US government – American Researchers reveal”
Exchange of Cables between J.B. Matthews, Chief Investigator of the House Special Committee on Unamerican Activities in Washington, DC and Leon Trotsky in Mexico City, October 12, 1939.
The Assault on the House of Leon Trotsky” by David Alfaro Siqueiros [This text is about a demonstration at Trotsky’s house in Mexico. It was supposed to enter the house and discover documents proving Trotsky’s collaboration with American secret services. Later in a totally separate incident Trotsky was assassinated by one of his disillusioned followers, who has also been called an agent of the GPU though probably he wasn’t one.]
The Assassination of Trotsky by W. Bland

The Cold War against the USSR:
“World War II: “Operation Unthinkable”, Churchill’s Planned Invasion of the Soviet Union, July 1945”
The Guardian: “Winston Churchill’s shocking use of chemical weapons” in the Russian civil war
The Daily Mail: “Winston Churchill’s ‘bid to nuke Russia’ to win Cold War – uncovered in secret FBI files”
Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism & Overthrow of Communism by Michael Parenti
The Triumph of Evil by Austin Murphy
The Great Conspiracy: The Secret War Against Soviet Russia by Sayers & Kahn
The Truth About The American Diplomats by Annabelle Bucar [about American diplomats used as spies, written by an American ex-diplomat]
The Export of Counter-Revolution: Past and Present by František Kolar [Very good info on counter-revolutions, though it tries to justify Soviet revisionism in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan]
“Modern art was CIA ‘weapon'” by Frances Stonor Saunders
“The CIA and the Cultural Cold War Revisited” by James Petras

Soviet Democracy:
The myth of the Soviet Union as a police state
“Soviet local government” by Don Brown
Soviet Democracy by Pat Sloan
Is Soviet Communism A new Civilisation? by Sidney & Beatrice Webb
Workers Participation in the Soviet Union by Mick Costello
The CPSU in a Soviet Election Campaign by Ronald J. Hill
About the Soviet electoral process
“How Soviet Democracy Worked in the 1930s” by Sam Darcy
Constitution (Fundamental law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The Stalin-Constitution by Prof. I. Trainin
“Stalin and the Struggle for Democratic Reform, Part One” by Grover Furr
“Stalin and the Struggle for Democratic Reform, Part Two” by Grover Furr
The Law Of The Soviet State by A. Vyshinski [Soviet laws compared to capitalist countries] (pdf) (archive)
Red Virtue: Human Relationships in the New Russia by Ella Winter [Good book about life during the First Five Year Plan. Discusses factory work and wages, the family and love life, education, the law, city planning, art and all kinds of things in the USSR]
About the main “mistake” of Stalin – the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]

Soviet Government & Electoral System by theFinnishBolshevik
The USSR: Democratic or Totalitarian? by Tovarisch Endymion

Soviet Education, Healthcare etc.

“Economic Development, Political-Economic System, and the Physical Quality of Life” by Cereseto and Waitzkin [A study demonstrating that socialism provides a better quality of life]
Education in the U.S.S.R. by Anglo-Soviet Youth Friendship Alliance
Schools and Education in the USSR (1944) by Eugene Medynsky
The Soviet Union Looks To Its Health (1935)
Health protection in the USSR
Red Medicine: Socialized Health in Soviet Russia by Newsholme and Kingsbury
“Nikolai Semashko – social activist and health care organizer” by O. A. Trefilova [This article discusses the scientific and organizing work of Nikolai Semashko, but it also goes into great detail about the creation of the Soviet health system and maternal and childcare system. Strongly recommended reading]
Housing in the USSR
The Soviet Union: Facts, Descriptions, Statistics
Soviet Philosophy: A Study of Theory and Practice by John Somerville (pdf) (archive)
Achievements Of Socialism In The Soviet Union by theFinnishBolshevik

Women’s rights in the USSR: 
Protection of Women and Children in Soviet Russia
Protection of Motherhood and Childhood in the Soviet Union
Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence by Kristen Ghodsee (2018) [A lot of good info and criticism of capitalism, but the book is written by a liberal and suffers as a result. It claims nordic countries are ‘socialistic’, makes all kinds of attacks against Stalin-era USSR, nearly all of which are factually false or based on misrepresentations.]

Woman In Soviet Russia by Fannina W. Halle (1932)
Soviet Woman: A Citizen With Equal Rights by N. K. Krupskaya (1937)
Women In The Land Of Socialism by Nina Popova (1949)
Equality Of Women In The Ussr by Petrova & Gilevskaya (1957)

Soviet Industrialization:
The results of the 1st & 2nd Five-Year Plans: Soviet industrial revolution
Five-Year Plans: Soviet Industrial Revolution by theFinnishBolshevik
Farm to Factory: The Soviet Industrial Revolution by Jason Unruhe

Religion in the USSR:

Why did the Soviet state close churches in the early years of Soviet power? [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]
Russian Orthodox Church about Stalin [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]
Priests in the service of the imperialist war [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]

Soviet environmentalism:
Soviet environmentalism in the Stalin era (text) (video)
“Stalin’s plan for the transformation of nature” [in Spanish but you can read with auto-translate]

“The Shakhty Trial”:
The Shakhty Case

“The Industrial Party Trial”:
The Industrial Party Affair
Wreckers on Trial (pdf) (backup)

“The Metro-Vickers Trial”:
Wrecking activities at power stations in the Soviet Union (pdf) (archive)
Outlines of the Shakhty, Industrial party & Metro-Vickers trials (The real Stalin series)

Collectivization of agriculture:
Collectivization, what did it give the Soviet country and the peasants [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]
Something about the income of collective farmers in the Stalinist USSR [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]

Collectivization – Historian Boris Yulin

The “Holodomor” myth:
“The Ukrainian famine-genocide myth” by John Puntis
The “Holodomor” explained
Holodomor, myth and reality
Blood_Lies by Grover Furr
Fraud, Famine and Fascism (book) (audiobook) by Douglas Tottle
Collectivization and the “Ukrainian holocaust” (from Another View of Stalin)
Famine of 1932 (from “the Real Stalin” series)
The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933 by Mark Tauger
Natural Disaster and Human Actions in the Soviet Famine of 1931–1933 by Mark Tauger
On the Holodomor – Compilation of Sources
“The Population Census of 1937”
Holodomor Series – Part 1 – Fraudulent Photos by Comrade Hakim
Did Stalin Continue to Export Grain as Ukraine Starved? by Comrade Hakim
Why the Holodomor Narrative is Wrong by Comrade Hakim

“Katyn Massacre”
The Katyn Massacre, Chapter 10 in BLOODLIES by G. Furr
About the Katyn massacre [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]

The “Gulag Archipelago debunked:
The Gulag Archipelago shouldn’t be taken seriously
“Lies Concerning the History of the Soviet Union” By Mario Sousa
“The Sakharov – Solzhenitsyn Fraud” by Gus Hall
Solzhenitsyn’s Archipelago of Lies
“The Truth about the Soviet Gulag – Surprisingly Revealed by the CIA”

Orwell debunked
Isaac Asimov Reviews ‘1984’
Snitch George Orwell’s list of leftists for the British government
Orwell’s list
George Orwell was a terrible human being (video)

Did Stalin really kill the Old Bolsheviks?
Stalin & the myth of the ”Old Bolsheviks”

Why was Lenin’s body mummified? Who decided it?

Soviet foreign policy:
How about Russia? : the truth revealed
“On the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and on National “Socialism”” by Maoism for the masses 
“Who Helped Hitler?” by Ivan Maisky [Relations of USSR, UK, France & Germany etc.]
Documents and Materials – Volume 1 Eve of the Second World War 1937-1938
Documents and Materials – Volume 2 Eve of the Second World War 1938-1939
“History of Soviet Foreign Policy” (1940) by M. Ross
“Falsifiers of history” (text) (audiobook)
The Pattern of Soviet Power by Edgar Snow
Why did the USSR annex Western Ukraine and Western Belarus in 1939 [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]

Soviet-Finnish Wars:
“Soviet-Finnish War of 1939–40” in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979)
War and Peace in Finland: A Documented Survey
Russia, Finland & the Baltics by W. & Z. Coates
Finnish-Soviet War 1939-1940 and its reasons [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]
Soviet-Finnish wars (1939-1945) by TheFinnishBolshevik

The Kronstadt Mutiny (1921):
Truth About the Kronstadt Mutiny (article)
Truth About the Kronstadt Mutiny (video)

Myth of “Soviet anti-semitism”:
“The Truth About Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union”, By Tom O’Connor
“Soviet ‘Anti-Semitism’ – The Big Lie!”, By Moses Miller
The Fraud of “Soviet Anti-Semitism” by Herbert Aptheker
Was there official Anti-Semitism in the USSR? by Grover Furr
“Communism and Anti-Semitism: A Rejoinder” by Grover Furr
The Soviet Campaign Against Cosmopolitanism: 1947-1952 by Bill Bland

Soviet science:
Soviet Science in the Lenin-Stalin era [A whole separate page on the topic]
Cybernetics in the USSR: A Marxist-Leninist Perspective
Land In Bloom, V. Safonov. (pdf) (archive)

Soviet art and culture:
Soviet art database [page with tons of info on Soviet art]
The New Soviet Theatre by Joseph Macleod (1943) [Very good book on the topic]
Actors Cross The Volga by Macleod Joseph (1946) [Very good book about Russian and Soviet theatre]

The Soviet Theatre by P. A. Markov (1935) [pretty good book, but it was written before Socialist Realism had triumphed thoroughly. As a result it doesn’t condemn the ultra-leftist Meyerhold etc.]
The Myth that Stalin banned Hamlet
‘STALIN & THE ARTS’ On Marxist-Leninist Aesthetics by Bill Bland

Soviet architecture & city planning:
History of Soviet Architecture and City Planning (Part 1, first steps) (1917-1920s)
Moscow. The General Plan for the Reconstruction of the City, Soviet Union of Architects (1935)
L. Perchik, The Reconstruction Of Moscow (1936)
The Moscow Subway, Foreign languages publishing house, Moscow, 1939
Parks of culture and rest in the Soviet Union, Foreign languages publishing house, Moscow, 1939
Hans Blumenfeld, “Planning in the Soviet Union”, TASK Planning and Architecture, Vol. 3.
The Building industry in the USSR
Rebuilding Liberated Russia by N. Voronin
Hans Blumenfeld, USSR Postwar Reconstruction, TASK Planning and Architecture, Vol. 7-8, special issue on Reconstruction (published by Harvard University), 1948
“Main trends in the development of architecture in capitalist countries after 1917” [in Russian but you can read with auto-translate] [Decent analysis, though the author is a revisionist]

More articles and sources on Soviet architecture

“Lenin’s Testament”:
The Forgery of the ‘Lenin Testament’ by V.A. Sakharov
On the Alleged Forgery of ”Lenin’s Testament”
“ICSS 20220731 Lenin’s Last Testament is a Fraud – Grover Furr”
“Stephen Kotkin: Stalin’s rise to Power & Faked “Testament of Lenin””

Soviet Revisionism:
How the Soviet revisionists carry out all-round restoration of capitalism in the U.S.S.R
The Soviet Union Under New Tsars by Chi Wei
Soviet Revisionism and the Struggle of the PLA to Unmask It
Stand for Socialism Against Modern Revisionism by Armando Liwanag (Jose Maria Sison) (Audio version)
Soviet Revisionism (by Espresso Stalinist)
The National Question and Revisionism by Bujar Hoxha
Reactionary anti-communist bourgeois theories that conceal the restoration of capitalism in Soviet Union
Some Observations on the Personality of Khrushchev by L.M. Kaganovich
Mikhail Gorbachev: ‘My Ambition was to Liquidate Communism’
“The shadow economy in the USSR: how it all began” [in Spanish but you can read with auto-translate]


The Last Days of Tsar Nicholas by Pavel Mikhailovich Bykov

On the causes of the commodity shortage in the USSR [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]

Why was the Comintern dissolved? [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]

The Courts of Honour in the Soviet Union by Yuri Yemelianov


Alexander Suvorov by K. Osipov (1941)


“Are Russia and China imperialist countries?” [in Italian but you can read with auto-translate]

“The inter-imperialist showdown and Russia’s attack on Ukraine”



Inside the Company: CIA diary by Philip Agee [a book about CIA operations and atrocities in Ecuador, Uruguay and Mexico by ex-CIA agent]
The Truth About The American Diplomats by Annabelle Bucar [about American diplomats used as spies, written by an American ex-diplomat]



The Nazis and Monopoly Capital by Allan Merson

red guardsWIDE

Liberation Mission of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Second World War by A. A. Grechko [Pretty good book, if you ignore the various anachronistic revisionist statements: stupid criticisms of Mao and Hoxha, defending revisionists Husak, Kadar etc.]

The Mao-Era, Cultural Revolution etc.
Red Star Over China by Edgar Snow
The Battle for Asia by Edgar Snow
Random notes on Red China (1936-1946) by Edgar Snow
Red China today by Edgar Snow
The Long Revolution by Edgar Snow
Fanshen; a documentary of revolution in a Chinese village (1966) by William Hinton
Iron oxen; a documentary of revolution in Chinese farming (1970) by William Hinton
Turning point in China; an essay on the cultural revolution (1972) by William Hinton
Hundred day war; the cultural revolution at Tsinghua University (1972) by William Hinton
Shenfan (1984) by William Hinton [Continues the story from Fanshen and gives good information. However, in this book Hinton made serious political mistakes and supported the revisionist line of Liu Shaoqi, Peng Dehuai etc. He later corrected some of these views e.g. in The Great Reversal and in his lectures]
The great reversal: the privatization of China, 1978-1989 (1989) by William Hinton
“Why not the capitalist road? The Tiananmen massacre in historical perspective” by William Hinton
(available in the book The Future of socialism: perspectives from the left (1990))
Ninth Heaven To Ninth Hell: The History Of A Noble Chinese Experiment by Qin Huailu, ed. William Hinton (1995)
Through A Glass Darkly: American Views Of The Chinese Revolution by William Hinton (2006)
Battle for China’s past by Mobo Gao (2008)
Constructing China: Clashing Views Of The People’s Republic by Mobo Gao (2018)
Revolution and counterrevolution: China’s continuing class struggle since liberation by Pao-yu Ching (2012)
From Victory to Defeat: China’s Socialist Road and Capitalist Reversal by Pao-yu Ching (2019) [audio version]
“The Current Phase of Imperialism and China” by Pao-yu Ching & “Imperialism Ultra-imperialism and the Rise of China” by Fred Engst in Lenin’s ‘Imperialism’ in the 21st Century [audio version]
Did Mao Really Kill Millions in the Great Leap Forward? by Joseph Ball
Mao’s Famine Debunked by Jason Unruhe
“Socialist China’s Successes” by Maoism for the masses
“Communism or Extinction?” by Maoism for the masses [about environmentalism in China]

Living China: Modern Chinese Short Stories by Edgar Snow (ed.) [about revolutionary and progressive literature]

Did Mao Really Kill Millions in the Great Leap Forward? by Jason Unruhe
Mao’s Famine Debunked by Jason Unruhe
Did Mao do more good than harm? by DemocraticSocialism01
On The Cultural Revolution by Jason Unruhe
Black Book of Communism Debunked by Jason Unruhe
Mao Tse-Tung: The Greatest Revolutionary of Our Time
The Passion Of The Mao [the documentary makes numerous false statements based off sources such as ‘The private life of chairman Mao’, which have been debunked by Mobo Gao in The battle for China’s past, and others]

Modern China:

“Capitalism With ‘Chinese Characteristics’” by Proletarskaya Gazeta
“The International role of China” by Elisseos Vagenas (member of the CC of KKE) [very good article regarding modern China, but makes the mistake of equating Mao and Deng, and defends Soviet revisionism]
“Chinese model? No, thanks!” [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]
“The situation of workers in China” [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]
“Sketches from the life of “communist” China” [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]
“About “socialism” in China, one should not ask the Russian left, but the Chinese workers” [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]
“About worker suicides” [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]
“Are Russia and China imperialist countries?” [in Italian but you can read with auto-translate]
“The German Communist Party (DKP), Socialism and the PR China” by Kommunistische Organisation



The History of the Socialist Construction of Albania by Luan Omari, Stefanaq Pollo
The History of Albania (A Brief Survey) by Kristo Frashëri

“The People’s (Socialist) Republic of Albania” by Maoism for the masses

International of traitors by Renaud de Jouvenel [in Russian, but you can read with auto-translate]

Mehmet Shehu Case:
Three Letters of Mehmet Shehu: Reflections of His Character by Nexhmije Hoxha


The Triumph of Evil
by Austin Murphy
DDR Facts and Myths by Comrade Faroh
Defend The DDR: Economic Inneficiency by RedScareTV
Defend The DDR: Women’s Rights by RedScareTV
Defend The DDR: The Stasi by RedScareTV
Defend The DDR: Erich Honecker by RedScareTV
Defend The DDR: They Want Socialism by RedScareTV

Liberation Mission of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Second World War by A. A. Grechko [Pretty good book, if you ignore the various anachronistic revisionist statements: stupid criticisms of Mao and Hoxha, defending revisionists Husak, Kadar etc.]

 The German Communist Revolution (1918-23)
A Misleading Description of the “German October” by O. W. Kuusinen
Rosa Luxemburg’s Attitude towards the Russian Revolution after the November Revolution in Germany by Clara Zetkin

The 1953 “day X”
The Export of Counter-Revolution: Past and Present by František Kolar [Very good info on counter-revolutions, though it tries to justify Soviet revisionism in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan]



Proceedings of the Trials of Slansky, et al
“The truth about the Prague Trial” by Louis Harap

The Export of Counter-Revolution: Past and Present by František Kolar [Very good info on counter-revolutions, though it tries to justify Soviet revisionism in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan]

Liberation Mission of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Second World War by A. A. Grechko [Pretty good book, if you ignore the various anachronistic revisionist statements: stupid criticisms of Mao and Hoxha, defending revisionists Husak, Kadar etc.]

International of traitors by Renaud de Jouvenel [in Russian, but you can read with auto-translate]



The Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919:

The Hungarian Soviet Republic by Tibor Hajdu
Revolution in Hungary and the Dissolution of the Multinational State 1918 by András Siklós

Horthy Hungary:

Arrow-Cross Men, National Socialists: 1935-1944 by Miklós Lackó

The People’s Republic of Hungary:

History of the Hungarian People’s Republic PART 1: Horthy’s Hungary
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 2: Democratic Coalition Government)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 3: Power struggle of 1946-47 – a struggle between progress and reaction)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 4: The 1947 elections)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 5: Three Year Plan 1947-49)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 6: The Social-Democrats and Communists Merge 1948)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 7: The Mindszenty Case (1949) – Church vs the state
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 8: The 1949 elections and first Five Year Plan)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 9: The Co-operative farm movement)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 10: Revolution in Culture)

History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 1: Horthy’s Hungary)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 2: Democratic Coalition Government)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 3: Power struggle of 1946-47)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 4: The 1947 Elections)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 5: Three Year Plan 1947-49)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 6: The Social-Democrats and Communists Merge (1948)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 7: The Mindszenty Case (1949) – Church VS state
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 8: The Five Year Plan)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 9: The Co-operative farm movement)
History of the Hungarian People’s Republic (PART 10: Culture Revolution)

1949 Constitution of the Hungarian Peoples Republic [Pdf] [Audiobook]

The Upright Hungarian Communist Matyas Rakosi

This book is generally good, although it expounds some khrushchevite revisionist views about Stalin and Rakosi:
History of the Revolutionary Workers Movement in Hungary: 1944-1962 by Dezső Nemes

This book is generally good, although it expounds some khrushchevite revisionist views about Stalin and Rakosi:
The History of the Working Class Movement in Hungary by György Borsányi, János Kende

Peoples’ Democracies by Wilfred G. Burchett (1951) [recommended]

Art in Socialist Hungary

Scientific life in the Hungarian People’s Republic

Documents on the hostile activity of the United States Government against the Hungarian People’s Republic (1951)

László Rajk and His Accomplices Before the People’s Court

International of traitors by Renaud de Jouvenel [in Russian, but you can read with auto-translate]

A History of Hungary by Ervin Pamlényi [Quite a good book otherwise, but the criticism of Rakosi and Stalin and the attempt to defend Titoism and Rajk in Chapter X section 2 and the attempt to justify Kadarism in Chapter X section 3 are totally erroneous.]

Studies on the History of the Hungarian Working-Class Movement (1867-1966) by Henrik Vass [This book is quite decent, but it also has problems: it slanders Rakosi and Stalin especially in chapters “Changes in the Social Structure of Hungary and the Main Questions Concerning the Alliance Policy”, “The Socialist Reorganization of Agriculture in Hungary” and “The Main Features of the Development of Social Relations in Hungary”, particularly regarding Collectivization, the Independence Front and Industrialization. The latter two chapters also try to justify Kadarist revisionism. Besides those chapters, the book is quite good, but it ignores the achievements of Rakosi and Stalin thus leaving many things not correctly explained. The book also does not mention the treacherous crimes of Arpad Szakasits, Laszlo Rajk, Ferenc Donath, Guyla Kallai and Janos Kadar and gives the false impression that they were good comrades.]

Hungarian Anti-Fascism and Resistance: 1941-1945 by István Pintér [This book has a lot of good information but it paints a somewhat distorted picture of events especially in the last chapters. This is because it doesn’t mention the treasonous actions of social-democrats Arpad Szakasits, György Marosan, titoists like Laszlo Rajk, and other revisionists like Ferenc Donath, Guyla Kallai and Janos Kadar and gives the false impression that they were good comrades. The book briefly mentions that Kallai, Szakasits and Rajk were mysteriously freed by the fascists but doesn’t inform the reader that this is because those persons agreed to become collaborators and secret agents of the fascists and capitalists. The book doesn’t give a true description of the sabotage and treason of those persons and should give a critique of the liquidationist sabotage policy of Kadar and his group during those years (e.g. dissolving the communist party etc.).]

Studies on the history of the Hungarian trade-union movement, ed. E. Kabos & A. Zsilak [Pretty good book otherwise, but slanders Rakosi as a sectarian]

Liberation Mission of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Second World War by A. A. Grechko [Pretty good book, if you can ignore the various anachronistic revisionist statements: stupid criticisms of Mao and Hoxha, defending revisionists Husak, Kadar etc.]

Budapest, the history of a Capital by Ágnes Ságvári (ed.) and others [Has quite good information especially about early history, but was written during the worst revisionist period and thus makes all kinds of revisionist statements: glorifying Rajk, Kallai and other titoists, defending the NEM market reform etc.]

Civil code of the Hungarian people’s republic (1960)
Criminal code of the Hungarian People’s Republic (1962)

“Kadarism – a model of modern revisionism” [in German but you can read with auto-translate]

The Counter-Revolution of 1956:

“The truth about the 1956 Hungarian events” by G. A. [In Italian but you can read with auto-translate. One of the very few anti-revisionist analyses of the situation.]

“The truth about the counter-revolution in Hungary” by Aldo Calcidese [in Italian, but you can read it with auto-translate]

This book is generally good, although it expounds some khrushchevite revisionist views about Stalin and Rakosi:
The Truth About Hungary by Herbert Aptheker

This book is generally good, although it expounds some khrushchevite revisionist views about Stalin and Rakosi:
Counter-revolutionary forces in the October events in Hungary I

Counter-revolutionary forces in the October events in Hungary II

Good information about the counter-revolution, but makes slanderous revisionist statements against Stalin and Rakosi:
1956 Counter-Revolution in Hungary: Words and Weapons by János Berecz

The Export of Counter-Revolution: Past and Present by František Kolar [Very good info on counter-revolutions, though it tries to justify Soviet revisionism in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan]



Work’s of Georgi Dimitrov [1951 edition. Later editions are censored and distorted by khrushchevite revisionists]

People’s Democracies by W. G. Burchett

“About Socialist Bulgaria” excerpt from «Bulgaria; present, past and future» (1983) by W. Burchett [in Spanish but you can read with auto-translate]

All Out to Fulfill the 1950 Economic Plan by Vulko Chervenkov

Trial Of Traicho Kostov And His Group

International of traitors by Renaud de Jouvenel [in Russian, but you can read with auto-translate]

“Red Nostalgia? Communism, Women’s Emancipation, and Economic Transformation in Bulgaria” by Kristen Ghodsee

Liberation Mission of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Second World War by A. A. Grechko [Pretty good book, if you ignore the various anachronistic revisionist statements: stupid criticisms of Mao and Hoxha, defending revisionists Husak, Kadar etc.]



Grover Furr on the Solidarność Counterrevolution in Poland

Liberation Mission of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Second World War by A. A. Grechko [Pretty good book, if you ignore the various anachronistic revisionist statements: stupid criticisms of Mao and Hoxha, defending revisionists Husak, Kadar etc.]

International of traitors by Renaud de Jouvenel [in Russian, but you can read with auto-translate]

Nowa Huta, the Polish “socialist city” chosen as the best neighborhood by the Guardian [In the revisionist period Nowa Huta went from a city to a neighborhood of Krakow]



Liberation Mission of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Second World War by A. A. Grechko [Pretty good book, if you ignore the various anachronistic revisionist statements: stupid criticisms of Mao and Hoxha, defending revisionists Husak, Kadar etc.]

International of traitors by Renaud de Jouvenel [in Russian, but you can read with auto-translate]



Tito’s plot against Europe: the story of the Rajk conspiracy by Derek Kartun
Tito Unmasked by Dino Kyosev
I Served Tito by Antun Novak
From Trotsky To Tito by James Klugmann
“Seventh anniversary of liberation of Belgrade by the Soviet army from the Hitler invaders” by Dusko Novakov
“Is Yugoslavia a socialist country?” by Renmin Ribao and Hongqi (Text) (Audiobook)
“The Restoration of Capitalism in Yugoslavia” by M. M.
“Enemies of Marxism” by P. Yudin
Latest Step of Tito Clique to Restore Capitalism in Yugoslavia
“Tito Fascist Clique “Legalises” Capitalism in Yugoslavia” by Miron Constantinescu
“Kulaks—Support of the fascist Tito clique in the countryside” by R. Zambrowsk
“The traitor Tito and Yugoslavia as the offspring of the bourgeoisie” [in Russian but you can read with auto-translate]

Б. Грибанов, Банда Тито – орудие американо-английских поджигателей войны [B. Gribanov, The Tito Gang – a tool of the American-British warmongers] (in Russian, but auto-translate works pretty well)

Мальцев Орест, Югославская трагедия [Maltsev Orest, Yugoslav tragedy] (in Russian, but auto-translate works pretty well)

“Tito, Marshall of traitors” by Renaud de Jouvenel in German and Russian:
Tito, Marschall der Verräter, Renaud de Jouvenel
Тито — главарь предателей, Рено де Жувенель

1948 – The Cominform the USSR and Yugoslavia: The Communist Parties after the Second World War between nationalism and proletarian internationalism by Vincent De Robertis [in Italian but you can read with auto-translate]



Ho Chi Minh on the Song ‘Mount Stalin’

The Export of Counter-Revolution: Past and Present by František Kolar [Very good info on counter-revolutions, though it tries to justify Soviet revisionism in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan]



Cuban revisionism by Espresso Stalinist



Latvian miracle [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]



Vilnius, 1991 – so who shot at the people? [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]



The Struggle of the Greek Communists against Revisionism

International of traitors by Renaud de Jouvenel [in Russian, but you can read with auto-translate]



International of traitors by Renaud de Jouvenel [in Russian, but you can read with auto-translate]



Thomas Sankara: The Upright Man (documentary)



The Finnish Revolution: A Self-Criticism by O. W. Kuusinen [Audiobook] [Text]

The Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 1: Finnish Independence
The Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 2: The Eve of Revolution
The Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 3: FAILURE OF REFORMISM
The Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 5: THE WHITE GUARD
The Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 6: THE RED GUARD AND RED ARMY
The Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 7: The Civil War

Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 1: Independence Struggle
Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 2: The Eve of Revolution
Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 3: Failure of Reformism
Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 4: Capitalist Dictatorship & War Preparations
Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 5: The White Guard
Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 6: The Red Guard and Red Army
Finnish Communist Revolution (1918) PART 7: The Civil War

Revolution in Finland 1917-1918 (in Russian, but auto-translate works pretty well)

Laaja kirjasto Suomen kommunistisen liikkeen historiasta yms. [a library of books about the Finnish communist movement in the Finnish language]




Liberation Mission of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Second World War by A. A. Grechko [Pretty good book, if you ignore the various anachronistic revisionist statements: stupid criticisms of Mao and Hoxha, defending revisionists Husak, Kadar etc.]

What most people think about North Korea is often inaccurate
Dispelling Myths about North Korea (video) by Prof. Suzy Kim
The Haircut (North Korea documentary)
Tourist in North Korea, shocked to discover a happy country by The Daily Mail
Photographer & Journalist Aram Pan talks about his time in North Korea (TED Talk)

Why North Korean “defector” stories are not trustworthy
Why do North Korean defector testimonies so often fall apart? by The Guardian
The Strange Tale of Yeonmi Park by the Diplomat
Why North Korean Defectors Keep Returning Home by Business Insider
Yeonmi Park: The Defector Who Fooled the World

“News” about North Korea are so often false
North Korean scientist never defected to Finland 
by Helsinki Times

Many defectors actually return to North Korea
Refugees Are So Depressed By Life In The South They Go Back North by Business Insider
The Tale of a DPRK Defector A Terrible Criminal South (video)

The idea that North Koreans don’t have cellphones is false
North Koreans Still Have Cell Phones (video) by Jason Unruhe

According to Amnesty & WHO, North Korea has good healthcare
North Korean Medical Care is Good (video) by Jason Unruhe

North Korean elections
There Is Democracy in North Korea (video) by Jason Unruhe

Other myths about North Korea debunked
North Korean Truth (video) by Jason Unruhe
Cult of Personality Look, in The Mirror by Jason Unruhe
Why is North Korea so Crazy? by AzureScapeGoat

Korean War
The Export of Counter-Revolution: Past and Present by František Kolar [Very good info on counter-revolutions, though it tries to justify Soviet revisionism in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan]



The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks):
History of the CPSU(B) – short course

The Black Panther Party:
Seize The Time: The Story of the Black Panther Party by Bobby Seale




“Karl Marx: A Brief Biographical Sketch With an Exposition of Marxism” by Lenin



“Frederick Engels” by Lenin



Reminiscences of Lenin by N. K. Krupskaya
The Life and Work of V.I. Lenin
They Knew Lenin: Reminiscences of Foreign Contemporaries


Stalin: A New World Seen Through One Man by Henri Barbusse
Stalin by Marx-Engels-Lenin institute
Another View of Stalin by Ludo Martens
Khrushchev Lied by Grover Furr
“The Real Stalin” series by Dennis McKinsey




Mao Tse-Tung: The Greatest Revolutionary of Our Time
The Passion Of The Mao




Che part one
Che part two



Felix Dzerzhinsky: A biography




The First President of The Republic of Labour: A Short biographical sketch of the time life and work of Y. M. Sverdlov by C. Bobrovskaya


The Upright Hungarian Communist Matyas Rakosi



Georgy Dimitrov [in Russian, but you can read it with auto-translate]

These texts defend Bulgarian and Soviet revisionism but have some good information on Dimitrov:
Georgi Dimitrov: Fighter Against Fascism by Jack Dywien

Georgi Dimitrov: 90th Birth Anniversary by V. Avramova

study theory

Study the history of our movement!


2 thoughts on “The Real History of Socialism

    • Maybe “The Bolshevik Revolution” volumes 1-3, but not any of his later works. Even those books have very serious flaws and are anti-communist, though they are not as bad as most bourgeois books.

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