Textbooks on Communism

Great book explaining the Soviet worldview (Marxism-Leninism) thoroughly in an understandable way, and giving a short history of philosophy inside the USSR. Highly recommended:
Soviet Philosophy: A Study Of Theory And Practice (1946) by John Somerville

A big textbook on Marxism-Leninism. This textbook was made by professional soviet theoreticians, and is both thorough and high quality. However, it contains certain Khrushchevite revisionist ideas especially in chapter 6.2 (about de-stalinization) and in chapters 26 and 27 (about ‘state of the whole people’ etc.). That should not discourage you from reading this book. The book is excellent, and contains a wealth of information. Just keep your eyes open for those signs of revisionism! One day I hope to release a digital reprint of this book, with notes and corrections to the revisionist portions:
Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism (1960)

A good textbook on Marxist-Leninist philosophy. This textbook was made by professional soviet theoreticians, and is both thorough and high quality. However, it contains certain Khrushchevite revisionist ideas especially about de-stalinization. It is still one of the best books on the topic. Just ignore the ‘de-stalinization’ parts:
The Fundamentals of The Marxist-Leninist Philosophy (1979)

A good very good Soviet economics textbook. It has only one small problem: the book briefly mentions Yugoslavia as a genuine proletarian state which is building socialism. This is falsehood inserted into the book by opportunists. The book was already in the process of being created during Stalin’s lifetime (he mentions it in “Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR”) but it was completed and published in 1954. Khrushchevites and other revisionists and opportunists began trying to rehabilitate Titoist Yugoslavia in 1954, and inserted the false notion that Yugoslavia was a real proletarian state into this book. Its only a small detail in this large book, but it should be recognized as a falsehood.
POLITICAL ECONOMY: An Economics Textbook

A detailed explanation of Soviet laws and policies, how they were created and how they have changed. The book explains the structure of the Soviet state, different Soviet constitutions, elections etc. The book also explains the Marxist theory of law and criticizes bourgeois theories. It also compares Soviet laws, elections etc. with capitalist countries. 
The Law Of The Soviet State by A. Vyshinsky (1938)

History of ancient philosophy: Greece and Rome by A. S. Bogomolov

A difficult and complicated book which discusses Marx’s politics and its relation to his aesthetic-ethical views. The book is divided into two main parts: Hegelian Marx and Communist Marx. The first part in particular can be quite hard to understand, but it starts to make sense when you get further in the book. This is not a textbook on Marxist Aesthetics (Philosophy of Art). It is closer to an “aesthetic biography” of Marx. It is a story of how Marx’s views on art in relation to politics evolved through his life. The book was first published in 1933 and re-printed with some added remarks in the 50s and 60s:
The Philosophy of Art of Karl Marx by Mikhail Lifshitz 

Foundations of Marxist Aesthetics by Avner Zis


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